Sunday, 25 April 2010

Why Comedy Central (and most Media broadcasters these days) are a bunch of pussies.

Pardon the misogynistic term of address in the title, but I am very very angry with comedy central at the mo'.
As any respectable UK South Park fan already knows, the 201'st episode of south park was not shown on the UK comedy central channel, after the episode received multiple complaints in America. The particular episode is also no longer being screened on American channels either. Why? Well, it's all to do with the depiction one particular Muslim prophet: Muhammed.

Just to fill those in who haven't seen a lot of South Park, the depiction of Muhammed has been a theme in four South park episodes now: Cartoon Wars pt 1 and 2, 200 and 201.
The Cartoon wars episodes didn't receive any complaints, despite the fact it was released during the time when that Danish artist drew a picture of Muhammed with a bomb for a hat. However, in 200, even though the show itself explained why they couldn't show muhammed (and they didn't show him at all, just to make that clear) Muslims were still offended because (get this...) they used his name on TV...I am sorry but, OH.MY.GOD.FUCKING.BUDDHA.WHILE.JESUS.TAPES.IT.SUCKING.OFF.KRISHNA.
Ever since that artist made that picture, Muhammed has become such a sore subject, it's absoloutely ridiculous. South Park actually showed muhammed in the episode "Super best friends", and that didn't start anything bad.

I've actually watched 201 online, and by god It's a brilliant episode. Despite one teeny tiny little problem. IT'S CENSORED INTO THE FUCKING SUN! Every usage of the word Muhammed was bleeped, Muhammed was blocked up by a censor bar. And even Kyles obligitory "end of show speech" was entirely bleeped out. At first I thought it was some sort of meta-joke attack against censorship by the creators, but they recently stated that all of the censoring was done by Comedy central.

It just goes to show how spineless some TV stations are. As said in a previous South Park episode, by censoring media becuase of threats, you're letting Terrorism work in the first place, which just shows that maybe that Danish Cartoonist wasn't so wrong after all...

Anyways, see y'all later
Prophet of the "FUCK YOU" faith-Reece

P.S- For those who don't watch south park, but would like to watch some episodes (including the episode I talked about) go to this website

Sunday, 4 April 2010

A rant against those with crap music tastes (My family in simpler speak)

Yet again I find myself sat in the loneliness of my room, staring at the empty void that is facebook wondering where all the time goes. Now before you accuse me of sounding a bit emo, don't worry I'm not slashing my wrists just this second. But if I have to hear one more fucking clubland anthem being blasted through the house then I'll happily grab the butchers knife.

You see, I've always had a bit of a funny approach to music after one of my best mates introduced me to the wonders of "good music" so many years ago. And, if you know me, you already know that "good music" is "indie music". Y'know, music that's actually been produced with talent and dedication to love for music, rather than chart topping music where singers digitally enhance their awful singing voice so it sounds unnaturally good, or when someone takes a song and mucks around with it for a bit to create a "club classic" Oh, and don't forget about all the brand endorsements or chat show plugging, y'know just to grab some more money they don;t really need. This is why I admire indie artists. They're not in it for the money, they're in it for the music and for giving their fans something good and thoughtful to listen to, not to just squeeze some more hard earned cash from their pockets. Unfortuanatley, there are some indie artists who started off good, but once they caught the idiotic general public's attention they let fame and fortune go to their head. For example, "Florence and the machine."
There are indie artists however that hate all the fame and fortune. MGMT is a prime example of this, refusing to put any of the songs on the radio as they felt the popularity of "Kids" made them appear to be something of a pop band, which the certainly are not. But anyway onto the topic of the blog, my family.

I seem to be the only member of the household who tries to listen to something different, while they all huddle around the iPOD docks in the living room encouraging my brother to dance to whatever club shit they put on. Now, in their defence they do listen to some good music, namely Michael Jackson...however they play his music ALL THE TIME aswell creating even more ranting and raving inside me. You then have the different ways my household reacts to their chosen music. My little brothers tend to listen to whatever is played, and they'll dance to it regardlessly. They listen to my stuff sometimes so at least I can teach them from an early age. My sister blares shit like Ke$ha and 3oh3! out of her phone like all the chavvy little secondary school kids nowadays. My mum tends to sing along in a very unappealing(and drunk) way to most songs, usually getting words wrong and letting out a banshee like "Whoooo!" after every song. My step dad is usually there for encouragement, clapping his hands giving my little brother cringe-worthy dance advice while exlclaiming that Pitbull's "You know you want me"is an "AMAZING TUNE!("
In the meanwhile I'll be sat in my room listening to my music praying the Basshunter will go away, but alas my families music taste will not change anytime soon, so I might aswell just grin and bear it... See you all next time

-Reece Wilson.

P.S= Incase you wanted to see my music, I took the liberty of print screening my iTunes. There's not much there but it's all good.