Didn't realise yesterday that in my absence I've been on this site for just over a year. I don't know how to celebrate such a meaningless milestone, but maybe we should talk about something serious or at least topical....nah, Let's talk about college.
I only ended up on this course by mere accident. I got fairly good A-Level grades, but the only Uni
I could get into at the time was Oxford Brookes. ('nuff said) Thankfully, I'd applied to do this course
previously just incase I screwed up my exams in A-Level. An interview here, and interview there and
next thing you know I'm sat in a course I spent two years mocking as an A-Level Student. Also
don't forget the fact I was now surrounded by people much younger than me, making me feel like
quite the Peter...
Things didn't get off to the most social of starts, with little friendship groups becoming defined while
I desperately looked for a group to latch onto. The first few days were a drag, almost enough for me
to kick the whole thing altogether...Then I was given a camera. Suddenly I was thrust into actually
speaking to my class to get a video completed, which seemed the perfect opportunity to show people
what I'd learnt these past few years. And after this, things just got better and better, with music videos,
radio dramas and adverts showing my talents as well as bringing me closer with the rest of my class.
Speaking of the rest of my class, they're AMAZING. I noticed that what I was writing previously was
starting to turn into a real-time account of college, so I thought I'd spend the next little while talking
about my fellow students.
The students here are absolutely fantastic. Never before have I felt so accepted and respected by a
group of people, and I never feel like people are bitching about me like I felt about previous courses,
I feel genuinely wanted by people here. And I honestly don't know what I'd do without the people here,
if it was any other class I wouldn't care less but these guys mean so much to me. Every last student has
a brilliant personality and I don't dislike anyone, and strangely I don't think anyone dislikes each other.
We all get on like an overly happy family. I would go into more detail, but I may save that for a further blog post.
See you in the next post guys.
P.S: Go see Limitless. It's brilliant =)