If you're like me (and probably everyone over the age of 12) you do like a drop of the ol' alchohol every now and again. And when I say that, I mean all the time. I couldn't call myself an alchoholic, but I drink a wee bit too much at home. (I don't go out to drink...I'm not cool enough for that level of social interaction) I also didn't really drink a lot until the end of year 10. I've always felt like the odd one out in most things, and teenage drinking was one of 'em. While everyone around me went out and gave their livers a good kicking without their parents knowing, I was sat at home like a good little boy playing on my PS2 and eating Doritos without a care in the world (well, apart from trying to defeat Sephiroth on Kingdom Hearts II, he was a bitch!). I would regularly walk into school on Monday and be greeted with hangover suffering younglings, while I took pleasure In the fact I didn't have that horrid headache from hell. Although when I finally started drinking though, I soon discovered the "wonders" of a hangover, and it weren't pleasant I tell thee'. But anyway, onto this whole cider Tax nonsense.
Apparently, by raising the tax for cider by 10%, young teenagers will not want to drink any more because it will be too expensive. So...what's going to stop them from wanting cheaper varieties of other drinks then? Young teenagers aren't fussy about what they drink, that's why they drink rat's piss like White Lightning and Strongbow. (Not to sound snobby or anything, but I'm a Kopparberg man) You can get cheap bottles of vodka for about 3 quid, which is perfect for all the slaggy little 13 year olds to get wasted on.
Teenage drinking can't be stopped, It's been going on for years and years now. It's only because of the stupid paranoid country we llive in today which has highlighted this as a problem. I'm not condoning teenage drinking by any means, but at least think of a better way to crackdown on it. Don't let us over age (posh)cider drinkers suffer for it!
Catch you all next time
-Reece Wilson, the town Drunk
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